Atheist Sets Up 'Reason Station' Inside Warren City Hall

WARREN (WWJ/AP) - An atheist man has finally set up an informational booth in Warren City Hall promoting free thought and use of reason after winning a lawsuit.

Douglas Marshall, 69, was initially denied by the Detroit suburb to have the booth.

He sued Warren Mayor Jim Fouts last year after he rejected the application because, the mayor said, he feared it could create conflict.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael J. Hluchaniuk in February ordered the city to allow Marshall to set up a booth, saying that since the city welcomes "prayer stations" run by churches, Marshall's "reason station" should be allowed, too. Hluchaniuk also ordered that Warren pay the ACLU $100,000 for costs and attorney fees.

Annie Laurie-Gaylor, with the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which represented Marshall in the lawsuit, said the city's policy to allow a prayer station discriminates against non-believers, calling it "utterly unconstitutional."

"Atheists are at the bottom of social totem pole when it comes to social acceptance — there's just no question," Laurie-Gaylor said. "The mayor himself has made many intemperate and unkind statements."

But Fouts has denied that accusation, saying he couldn't allow what he believed would amount to a display aimed at putting down others' beliefs.

"Just like I allow a celebration of Martin Luther King to go in City Hall — I would not allow someone from the White Citizens Council, the Klu Klux Klan or the American Nazi Party to put up a stand, because they disparage other ethnic groups," said Fouts.

Marshall plans to man his reason station weekly with pamphlets that advocate for logic and separation of church and state.

The Detroit Free Press reports that a prayer station was set up steps away from Marshall's booth Tuesday.

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