4 Osprey Chicks Fitted With GPS Units To Track Movements Through Michigan

LANSING (AP) -- Biologists are monitoring four osprey chicks to track how well the species is doing in southern Michigan.

Ospreys disappeared from most of the state because of habitat loss and pesticides such as DDT. But they're slowly coming back. At least 60 active nests were spotted in southern Michigan in 2015.

Four chicks were fitted this year with "backpack" GPS telemetry units paid for by Huron Valley Audubon, DTE Energy and a private donor.

They help scientists follow the birds' movements and seasonal migration patterns.

Four other chicks with the units died last year. But another fitted in 2014 has returned to the Midwest after visiting South and Central America as well as Mexico.

Anyone can find out where the birds have been by checking out the Michigan Osprey website, http://www.michiganosprey.org.


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