Offensive Graffiti In Denver Neighborhood Investigated As Hate Crime

DENVER (CBS4) - Vandals spray-painted offensive graffiti all over a southeast Denver neighborhood. Profanity and racial slurs could be found on at least three dozen cars and garages.

It happened overnight in an area off South Hudson Street near Leetsdale and Holly. The person or people responsible distributed a message of hate. There was graffiti directed at African Americans, those of the Jewish religion, and just obscenities that could offend anyone.

Greg Zuydhoek struggled to get the paint off his car.

"My only thought is that it's probably just a bunch of little punks that really don't think about their actions," said Zuydhoek.

Police patrolled the area in search of two white juveniles with t-shirts, ballcaps and backpacks. A total of 36 cars were vandalized with spray-paint and two garage doors. It's being investigated as an untimely hate crime.

"Jews in our community are celebrating Passover. This is a time of liberation, of freedom; tells the story of Jews going from slavery to freedom," Scott Levin, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League told CBS4. "For this to happen at this time is particularly offensive."

Passover is the story retold annually of the Jews fleeing from Egypt. Some of those who live in the targeted neighborhood are Jewish.

There was also graffiti urging death to Jews with a swastika.

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