Trevor Story Staying Sharp, Misses Colorado Rockies Teammates 'Greatly'

Rockies shortstop Trevor Story joined CBS4 sports anchor Michael Spencer via Zoom on Monday for Xfinity Monday Live. Trevor is back in his home state of Texas during the quarantine and sports hiatus.

(CBS4) - "It's such a weird feeling," Story said of not playing baseball this time of year.

(credit: CBS)

"It's been tough. A lot of lives have been lost and some sad stuff has happened. We're lucky to be at home and healthy, but it's been weird."

"I feel like we're doing something wrong. I feel like we should be playing ball right now and grinding with my teammates and everybody. I miss those guys greatly and I can't wait to get back."

The Rockies were in the middle of spring training when the sports hiatus went into effect, and no date for a return to baseball has been set as of yet. In the meantime, Story has found ways to train in Texas.

"I'm lucky. I'm blessed to have a spot I can go and get my work in. We're kind of in that holding pattern. Right at the beginning of January is how I'm treating it. I'm not working out super hard but I'm still trying to stay sharp so I can be ready for a full season," said Story.

Trevor Story (Photo by Rob Tringali/Getty Images)

When he's not busy working out Story is busy giving back. He was one of three Rockies ambassadors, along with Nolan Arenado and Daniel Murphy, who teamed up with other players around Major League Baseball to help give to the Home Plate Project. Together the players raised $1 million which will help provide four million meals to address childhood hunger.

(credit: CBS)

"That was an awesome project," said Story. "I just have to give credit to the Rockies and (St. Louis Cardinals pitcher) Adam Wainwright who reached out and gave me an opportunity to help these kids."

"We're fortunate enough to be okay and we feel like we're in a position we need to help out. We feel like we're in a position that we need to give back and help people out. That's kind of the way we were raised, me and my wife, talking to my parents they've served their whole life. It's just kind of been embedded in us and we felt like it was a good time to do it."

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