Colorado seeing "distressing increase" in teen traffic deaths; up over 50% since last year

More than 16,000 teens between the ages of 15 and 19 have been involved in car crashes in 2023 in Colorado -- an average of 57 per day.

More concerning than that is an increase in traffic-related deaths among Colorado teens. This year, 61 teenage drivers have been killed in traffic crashes, up by 53% since this time last year, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation.

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The total number of people who have been killed in any traffic crash involving a teen driver is also up by over 30% from the last year, totaling 73 as of Sunday. 

"Driving is a pivotal rite of passage, but it comes with tremendous responsibility," said Col. Matthew C. Packard, chief of the Colorado State Patrol. "The stakes are high, as young drivers often underestimate the risks they face on the road. Unfortunately, we've seen a distressing increase in teen fatalities on our roads. These statistics emphasize the need for education, awareness and parental involvement."

Transportation and law enforcement officials point to the particular risk of teen drivers who are under the influence of alcohol, speeding, driving carelessly and/or not wearing a seatbelt.

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In crashes where someone isn't wearing a seatbelt, 90% of those who were unbuckled died, according to CDOT data.

"Teen drivers face unique challenges, including inexperience, distractions and peer pressure," said CDOT's Office of Transportation Safety Director Darrell Lingk. "We urge parents and guardians to play an active role in guiding their teens to become responsible drivers. By setting clear ground rules, modeling good driving behavior, and having ongoing conversations about the dangers of distracted driving, impaired driving and speeding, we can help our young drivers make smart decisions and protect themselves and others on the road."

Last year saw a record number of teen drivers involved in fatal crashes, resulting in 103 deaths over the calendar year, according to CDOT. 

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CDOT offers a number of tips and strategies for parents of teen drivers:

  • Have conversations: Initiate open and ongoing discussions with your teen about driving laws and safe driving practices. Your guidance as a parent can make a significant difference.
  • Know the laws: Familiarize yourself with Colorado's nighttime driving restrictions, passenger restrictions, and graduated driver licensing rules. Enforcing these laws with your teen promotes safer driving habits.
  • Be a role model: Set an example by consistently practicing safe driving habits yourself -- including driving distraction-free and obeying the speed limit. Your teen is more likely to emulate your behavior.
  • Address cell phone use: Encourage your teen to put away their phones while driving, designate a passenger as a texter or navigator, or pull over safely before using a mobile device. Remind them that texting while driving is six times more dangerous than drunk driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA).
  • Promote responsible choices: Discuss the risks of impaired driving, seat belt non-compliance, distracted driving, speeding, and the influence of passengers with your teen. Emphasize the consequences of not following these rules.
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