Students Outfitted With Bikes & Helmets Thanks To Nonprofit

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - Wish for Wheels helped make a surprise come true for students at Glenwood Elementary School. The organization handed out 195 helmets and bicycles to the kids.

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The event turned into a bike rodeo in the parking full of smiles and laughter.

"We started with a simple mission of changing a kids life with a gift of a bike and a helmet. It's just a way to get under-served kids out and active," said one organizer. "I do it because I love it. I love bikes. I love kids. I really want kids to fall in love with cycling like I did."

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It's pretty simple. Give away bikes and helmets and the know-how to get the kids outside to ride them... safely.

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"We have corporate partners who paid for the bikes and the helmets. We put the employees of the company to work to assemble the bikes and then they go with us to give the bikes. Today, we're at Aspen Ski Company. They funded the majority of this. They built the bikes, and they're here handing them out."

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The event brings different people from all across the state together for a common goal.

"Been doing this for 10 years, and we've given away 35,000 bikes."

Volunteers will be back at it in Rifle and Denver in the coming weeks. Hundreds more bicycles will be cruising the streets thanks the volunteers.

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