Hundreds gather at Colorado State Capitol for rally in support of Israel

Hundreds gather at Colorado State Capitol for rally in support of Israel

On Sunday, hundreds rallied outside the Capitol on behalf of Israel. Just one day after a similar rally was held on those same steps in support of Palestine.

People rally in support of Israel outside the Colorado State Capitol Building. JASON CONNOLLY/AFP via Getty Images

Many hearts in Colorado are breaking for Israel and Palestine. Many have loved ones overseas and are deeply affected by the war in the Middle East

"From cousins to other family members, yes I do know people that were impacted," said Andrew Mookie Alderman, who has lived in Israel and works with the Israel National Lacrosse Team. 

Alderman is mourning his friend Mor Cohen, one of Israel's first lacrosse players, who was killed in the Hamas attacks. 

Israeli-American Rom Rosenblat was in Israel just weeks ago visiting family with his young children. Now, he's lost multiple friends in combat and at the Supernova Music Festival. 

"It's just felt throughout the whole country. There's not one person I talk to that hasn't felt the pain," said Rosenblat. 

He compares Hamas's attack on Israel to 911.  

"After 911 the whole world got together through your grief and everybody's grief to fight terrorism together, we do not feel that world grief and being with us equivalently with Israel," said Rosenblat.           

State lawmakers were condemning acts by Hamas and affirming their support for Israel. 

"Just to make it perfectly clear... I stand with Israel," said Sen. John Hickenlooper while putting on a shirt reading the same words. 

But Colorado Palestinian club director Reema Wahdan does not feel heard by leaders. 

"The message that's being sent to our community is we're at war with the Palestinians at any cost, and we're in the billions right now in support of Israel with zero medical support, humanitarian support," said Wahdan. 

Wahdan says one Colorado Palestinian community member has now lost 26 members of their family. She fears more violence in Gaza, and acts of hatred at home. 

"We also had a bullet shot though my living room," said Wahdan. 

Those supporting Israel say Hamas is the enemy, not Palestinians. 

"We stand with Israeli civilians and we also all stand with the innocent Palestinian civilians," said Rep. Brittany Pettersen. 

"I'm supporting all humans, basically if you support Hamas that's the bottom line you support a terrorist organization," said Rosenblat. 

Amongst such division... both sides pray for an end to the violence. 

"Blood has been spilled on these holy lands for millennia. More blood will not solve anything," said state Sen. Steve Fenberg. 

"The Palestinian and the Jewish community and the Israeli community can come together centered on peace and end this violence," said Wahdan. 

Those on both sides say division felt here at home is deepening their wounds. Those who support Israel call on everyone to condemn terrorist violence, while others call for humanitarian aid and a voice for Palestinians. 

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