'Love Always Wins' Pride Flag Ripped Down From Thornton Home Not Once, But Twice

THORNTON, Colo. (CBS4)- It's a case of theft, but the meaning, in this case, goes far deeper. It involves a particular flag and the women who put it up at their home in Thornton.

(credit: CBS)

"Love Always Wins" are the words on the flag which now hangs in front of the home but two women who live there call what happened hate.

Jane Harmer said, "It absolutely broke my heart to see that flag ripped up and thrown in the gutter."

In an act of kindness, a friend anonymously had the flag replaced, but the women, a Boulder Police sergeant and a retired Boulder officer, wanted to catch whoever was responsible should they dare to return.

The residents installed a ring doorbell camera which captured the suspects in the act. In the video, two people are seen pulling down the pride flag and running off in the darkness of the night.

(credit: Jane Harmer)

Kristi Peterson said not all share their point of view on what happened, "Some people have been telling me it's irrelevant- it's just a flag."

The flag was found discarded in a nearby area.

But why, these women ask, did those involved not steal the Colorado flag, the American flag, only their Pride flag. This they saw as an attack on their way of life.

Then the kindness spread. Neighbor Cora Ohmert, who is not gay, put up flags next door in support.

(credit: CBS)

"We as a community needed to stand up for them and say that anybody who is in love be in love with whoever they want to be in love with."

Whoever carried this out has not yet been caught, but the act now available for all to see.

Harmer added the charges should be strong, "I feel it's definitely a hate crime we are being targeted here."

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