Meet Jason Batchelor, the new city manager at the helm of Colorado's 3rd largest city

Meet Jason Batchelor, the new city manager at the helm of Colorado's 3rd largest city

No city is without its challenges, let alone the third largest city in all of Colorado.

"What motivates me every day is to solve problems, to come to work and solve problems," said Jason Batchelor, city manager of Aurora.

Jason Batchelor CBS

Batchelor has been solving problems in Aurora since his first role with the city more than a decade ago.

"I started off as the budget officer, then I had an opportunity to be finance director, and then I was deputy city manager," he said.

Also on the West Point grad's resume, two stints as interim city manager before swearing into the permanent position in December 2023.

"I want folks to know that I'm dedicated, I'm committed to making this a great city," Batchelor told CBS News Colorado.

As the city's new top administrator, Batchelor is responsible for implementing policies set by the Aurora City Council and oversees day-to-day city operations. Council members have expressed their confidence in Batchelor's leadership, noting his proven leadership in his experience leading many significant projects for the city including those focused on development and public safety. Batchelor said in his more than 15 years working for the city, he's optimistic about Aurora's growth.

"I see tremendous opportunity," he said. "We landed the Gaylord, we've gained tremendous growth out near Denver International Airport, we've seen great neighborhoods grow up in the city and I think we're really well-positioned to really strengthen that. Folks want to see a good transportation network, so we've been successful working with our council and mayor to identify funding."

The city manager is also in charge of the hiring and firing of most city employees. Finding a permanent police chief is certainly on Batchelor's radar.


"It's still pretty fresh in terms of Chief Acevedo's departure, so right now we're happy that we've got Chief Morris to kind of continue the continuity that we've seen with Acevedo's leadership," he said. "We're going to take some time to think about what the next couple months look like and then getting that permanent chief in the department to provide the stability."

Another challenge Batchelor may face is the possible restructuring of Aurora's local government. If the "strong mayor" issue makes it onto the ballot next year, voters could decide to eliminate the city manager position and give more decision-making power to the mayor.

But right now, that's not what Batchelor is worried about. He's focused, he said, on Aurora's improvement.

"Make our community better, make our employees' lives better, and must make this the great place we know it is," he said. 

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