Despite Protests, Eminent Domain Approved For Glendale 180 Project

GLENDALE, Colo. (CBS4) - A family in Glendale stands to possibly lose their property and business for a proposed riverwalk project after a vote by the Glendale City Council.

Late Tuesday night the council voted to give the city's urban renewal authority the power to use eminent domain in their negotiations. The vote following a period of public comment on the matter.

Authentic Persian & Oriental Rugs (credit: CBS)

The Kholghy family owns Authentic Persian & Oriental Rugs, along with several acres on South Colorado Boulevard.

They have tried to work with the city in the past on a development plan but, according to owner Nasrin Kholghy, the city had a change of heart recently after coming to what she thought was an agreement.

The city's current plan that doesn't involve the Kholgys is to build an entertainment complex on the banks of Cherry Creek called Glendale 180.

City officials say they will still negotiate with the Kholghys in an effort to buy their land and property, which the family has owned for 25 years.

Mayor Mike Dunafon (credit: CBS)

Mayor Mike Dunafon says condemnation of the property through eminent domain will only be used after every attempt to negotiate property sales has broken down.

"You can't start the process and even enter into negotiation until the authority is empowered, and by the way it doesn't mean the authority ever has to use condemnation and it probably never will," he told CBS4 after the vote.

A group of concerned citizens that included friends and customers of the Kholghys marched with signs into Tuesday night's meeting. They said the city appears to be abusing its eminent domain powers.

(credit: CBS)

Norma Moore was among the residents who spoke against the city's move during the public hearing.

"You all have a vision of what you want to do with this land," she told the council. "Nasrin and her family own this land. They would also like to develop it but it's not the same vision that you have. And that because it's not your vision it's her fault."

Kholgy said she wasn't surprised by the vote, and said she'll continue to fight the city.

"As long as it takes. As long as we have the support. As long as we have the money," she told CBS4. "Or until they come to a plan that we're part of."

The Kholgy family says they bought the property in 2006 for $6.5 million. Recently they say they have had offers of at least $19 million for the property, but have never had any interest in selling.

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