COVID Prompts Some Colorado Businesses To Evaluate & Improve Their Indoor Air

DENVER (CBS4) - Indoor venues in Colorado are starting to open their doors to employees and customers. Since COVID-19, many owners are grappling with how to assure people their space is safe.

Some are turning to a company in Denver that is in the business of improving indoor air quality. It has been an uneventful year at EXDO Event Center.

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"We literally went from fully occupied to zero," said Andrew Feinstein, managing partner.

There were no corporate events or concerts, no dinners or dance parties.

"Our business was completely decimated," he explained.

That gave Feinstein plenty of time to think about what will bring business back.

"Pre COVID, we hadn't really thought about our indoor air quality," he said.

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Now, they've made it a priority. They brought in Aviriq, a company that has worked with hospitals, hotels, office buildings and restaurants evaluating indoor air quality.

"Testing and measuring what's been implemented to see if it's actually working," said Harry Pliskin, President of Aviriq.

Pliskin explained they assessed the duct work, filters, and fans in EXDO. They measured particulate levels. They pumped up carbon dioxide levels, as if people were inside, to test the ventilation. Pliskin said they can't guarantee no one will get sick.

"But what we can do is try to insure that you have the safest environment possible," he said.

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EXDO made changes including upgrading filtration and increasing air flow. The space is now verified by Aviriq. EXDO paid $1,700 for the service.

"We think that's money really well spent, said Feinstein, to let our customers and clients know that the air inside EXDO is good quality."

He believes when people come back to party, post-pandemic, they can feel comfortable at EXDO.

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