Unable To Fly, CPW Sends Sharp-Shinned Hawk To Pueblo Wildlife Center

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - Wildlife officers are working to rehab a sharp-shinned hawk that is currently unable to fly. Someone found the hawk on the ground in Colorado Springs and brought it to Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Southeast Region office. 

(credit: CPW)

CPW said the hawk appears to be healthy and has no obvious fractures. Biologists tried to release the hawk, but it could only glide or run on the ground.

(credit: CPW)
(credit: CPW)

The Nature and Wildlife Discovery Center will take care of the hawk at its raptor campus in Pueblo. CPW's Joey Livingston described the rescue.

"Sharp-shinned hawks are acrobats in the air, using short wings and long tails to dart at full speed through thick forests to surprise their prey - mostly songbirds and mice. They also hunt at birdfeeders," CPW said in a tweet

The sharp-shinned hawk is the smallest hawk in the United States, according to wildlife officials.

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