Coronavirus In Colorado: African Americans Hit Hard By COVID-19

DENVER (CBS4) - Gov. Jared Polis announced this week the COVID-19 outbreak in Colorado is being seen at higher rates in African Americans and other communities of color. It is a trend being reported across the country.

Metropolitan State University of Denver Professor Alfonzo Porter recently lost his mother to COVID-19.

"She was literally the heart of our family," Porter told CBS4 Health Specialist Kathy Walsh.

Edream Moore (credit: Porter family)

Edream Moore, an Aurora resident, raised six children on her own.

"Just a beautiful soul in and out," Porter said.

Her son calls her strong, selfless and a great grandmother who rarely left home.

"This thing just came out of nowhere," he said.

Porter doesn't know how his 85-year-old mother contracted the coronavirus. Within days, she was on a ventilator. A week later, she died.

"It's devastating because your loved one perishes alone," Porter said.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment data shows African Americans have been hit hard by the coronavirus. In Colorado, African Americans are about 4% of the population, yet they represent 7% of COVID-19 cases and nearly 7% of COVID-19 deaths.

"I think what this virus has done is rip the scab off the ugly sore that we have had to contend with for years," said Porter.

(credit: CBS)

"That ugly sore is institutionalized racism," said Deidre Johnson, CEO and Executive Director of the Center for African American Health.

"There are barriers to opportunity for both access to health and economic resources," Johnson said.

She said African Americans are more susceptible to the virus because of higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and economic inequality; low-wage or essential jobs that require interacting with the public.

(credit: CBS)

"If nothing changes, then the next virus after COVID-19 is going to wreak the same havoc," said Johnson.

Johnson and Porter see a call to action.

"This thing has really shined a light to make sure that all our citizens are protected," said Porter.

Upcoming Online Event

The Center for African American Health is hosting a virtual meeting on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. titled "COVID-19 and its Impact on the Black Community." Learn more on the center's Facebook page.

RELATED: Latest Updates On The Coronavirus Outbreak In Colorado

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