Cheyenne PD Offers Two Mother's Day Deals

By Danielle Chavira

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (CBS4) - The Cheyenne Police Department is offering a Mother's Day deal some might not be able to refuse.

The department's first offer was to buckle up, drive the speed limit and drive safely in general as a present for mom -- and to top it off with a hug for good measure.

Their second deal went something like this, "Of course if you don't like your mom all that much, you could always turn her in on her warrants. We'll hand-deliver a matching set of silver bracelets to your mom and give her a free ride to the brick B&B. Three hots and a cot are included with each night's stay!"

Still looking for a free last minute Mother's Day gift? How about providing her with the awesomeness that is you? Put...

Posted by Cheyenne Police Department on Saturday, May 12, 2018

It's unclear how long this deal will last -- but our guess is for a good while.

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