Missing: La Grange Family's Bird, Rocky

CHICAGO (CBS)-- Police and residents in the western suburbs, and beyond, are asked to keep their eyes peeled for Rocky the cockatiel.

Rocky went outside to play almost a week ago, got spooked and flew away.
Now, the La Grange community has started a village-wide effort behind the bird's return.

Rocky's family called La Grange police to report their missing cockatiel. They posted these fliers all around town, Friday.

The same photo has been posted all across social media and shared hundreds of times.

For the second time in a few hours, Bridget Waldron and her brother searched Memorial Park in La Grange. This was the last place they spotted their missing family member.

"We're getting nervous as it's getting colder," she said.

The bird's home of 18 years has felt vacant this holiday weekend.

"If we played music and he liked the music, he would bob his head and start singing," Waldron said.

Waldron says she is worried because with low temperatures, it may be hard for her bird to survive.

"The online community's been amazing," Waldron said.

Waldron found the 911 parrot alert page on Facebook with more than 25,000 members.

"We've had some people who I didn't even know from the community come out search for him," she said.

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