Mayor Lori Lightfoot Expects To Limit Trick-Or-Treating This Halloween To Protect Kids And Parents From COVID

CHICAGO (CBS) -- While she didn't say Chicago will follow Los Angeles County's lead and ban trick-or-treating this year due to the pandemic, Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday made it clear Halloween will look much different this year to protect kids and parents from the spread of COVID-19.

"It is a very different time, and I don't expect to see mass crowds out trick-or-treating like we have in years past. It's not safe for the children, it's not safe for the adults," Lightfoot said Wednesday afternoon.

Under new Los Angeles County health guidelines announced earlier this week, trick-or-treating, haunted houses, carnivals, festivals, live entertainment are not permitted, even if held outdoors.

"Door-to-door trick-or-treating is not allowed because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors especially in neighborhoods that are popular with trick or treaters," the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said in its recently released guidelines. "'Trunk-or-treating' events where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats are also not allowed."

Lightfoot said Chicago city officials also have been looking ahead at this year's guidelines for Halloween "for quite some time," but she said she's not prepared yet to announce any specific rules, which are still being negotiated.

"We are working on plans to recognize and celebrate Halloween, which I know is an important moment for many, including the kids in my neighborhood, but we're going to do it in a way that is consistent with the public health guidance," she said.

City and state public health guidelines already require anyone over the age of 2 years to wear a face covering in public, and to stay at least six feet away from other people whenever possible. Public gatherings are also limited to no more than 50 people.


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