Highest Paid College Salaries

Those considering a college degree will most likely also take into consideration the salary potential of the degree earned as well as the opportunity for advancement. Not all degrees are the same or the earning potential; individuals who are looking for a lucrative career should consider the following college degrees as they offer some of the highest paid salaries.

A report was put out recently by The Georgetown University Center on Education and The Workforce. Nearly all of the top 10 highest paying college majors were in the engineering field. Based on the top 10, it would be wise for high school students to delve deep into the science and math classes while attending high school so that they are prepared for the college courses specific to the listed college majors below.

One of the key findings in the report is the highest paying college majors earn 3.4 million more than the lowest-paying majors over a lifetime. This key finding alone should give those who are considering their career field and college major a reason to take a step back and look at their educational avenue to make sure it is the best choice for them.

Here are the top 10 highest paying college degrees and salaries (Median annual wages: 25-59) based on data analyzed by The Georgetown University Center on Education and The Workforce:

Petroleum Engineering-$136,000

Field of engineering related to the making of hydrocarbons, either crude oil or natural gas.


This area also includes pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical administration

Metallurgical Engineering-$98,000

Focuses on the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements.

Mining and Mineral Engineering-$97,000

Concerned with all aspects of minerals from a naturally occurring environment.

Chemical Engineering-$96,000

Applies chemistry and physics, biology, microbiology and biochemistry together with math and economics to correctly use materials, chemicals and energy.

Electrical Engineering-$93,000

Deals with the education and use of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism.

Aerospace Engineering-$90,000

Focused on the advancement of aircraft and spacecraft.

Mechanical Engineering-$87,000

Concerned with the design, construction and operation of machinery.

Computer Engineering-$87,000

Concerned with developing computer hardware and software.

Geological and Geophysical Engineering-$87,000

Dedicated to solving engineering and environmental problems

Michelle Guilbeau is a writer, reviewer, teacher and business owner living in Chicago, Illinois. She also has experience in school administration, literacy coaching and is proud founder of CraftKitsForKids.com and MichelleGuilbeau.com Michelle enjoys sharing her knowledge of Chicago, food, travel, education and parenting issues with her readers. Her work can be found on Examiner.com.

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