Great American Dog Show brings 200 breeds to Schaumburg

Great American Dog Show brings 200 breeds to Schaumburg

CHICAGO (CBS) -- "Woof" is the word this weekend over at the Great American Dog Show at the Renaisance Shaumburg Convention Center Hotel. 

CBS 2's Jackie Kostek got a look as some of the stars were getting ready for their close ups. Two hundred different breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club are competing. 

One siberian huskey might just have a shot at the big prize. 

"Any dog can be built beautifully, but if he doesn't have the heart to do it, it doesn't matter. He's got that too," said Laura King. 

After 30 years as a professional dog handler, King knows a star when she sees one.

"I think you can kind of feel it," she said. "They either got it or they don't situation."

She believes Tusk has it. Even with sparkling personality, shining on a stage like the Great American Dog Show comes with a lot of work -- work that starts well before the show itself.

"We spend a lot of time with them working on their conditioning," she said. "And that involves mental, physical, emotional. Making sure they're in tip top physical shape, making sure their coats are in tip top physical shape. Making sure that mentally they are sound and happy and involved and engaged."

Throughout the show weekend, Tusk and King's other dogs get daily paw baths and frequent blow outs for their coats. It's all to make sure they can own their moment in the ring.

"When the dog has got down and is comfortable and we're comfortable, it's kind of a cool feeling that you know you nailed it," she said. 

For King and Tusk, winning Best in Show at the Great American Dog Show -- one of the most competitive shows in the country --  would be, as she calls it, spectacular.

"It's fun to win on any level but it's great fun to win at a level of competition like this," she said. 

The Great American Dog Show runs through Sunday. 

It's the first time the show is being held in Chicago since 2015.

CBS 2 is a media partner of the show. 

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