Chris Sale Won't Start On Opening Day

(CBS) White Sox ace Chris Sale won't start the team's April 6 opener against the Royals as he recovers from a fracture in his right foot, executive vice president Kenny Williams confirmed in an interview with MLB Network on Wednesday.

Sale could be back soon after that, though.

"He's not going to be the Opening Day starter," Williams said on MLB Network. "We're going to take him on a little slower road, but it looks like he could make the April 12 start. Now whether we're going to want him to make that start would be dependent on just how well he comes along. But all signs are pointing upward right now. And Chris is a guy who wants to be out on the mound, so if it's not that (April) 12th start, then we'll fit him into the rotation shortly after that."

Either Jeff Samardzija or Jose Quintana will likely start the opener in Sale's place. With three off days in the season's first 11 days, the White Sox can get by with four starters for awhile if needed.

Sale's injury has intensified conversation of whether youngster Carlos Rodon could earne a rotation spot out of spring training. It's certainly a possibility, Williams said.

"The way he's come out here, he looks like a big leaguer," Williams said. "A lot of times you get guys out of the draft, their next year their eyes are wide open coming into major league camp. But he's fit right in, and he represented himself very well the other day. The answer to the question is yes. We think we have a chance to do something special this year, so our April wins are going to be just as important as our September wins. We want to be out there for the grind. Whether or not he's in that mix for the 12th or not will be dependent on how he does the rest of spring training.

"Just like we thought he'd be coming out of college, he's been impressive."

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