Anjanette Young, Handcuffed Naked In Her Home By Police, To Lori Lightfoot: 'I Believed In You As A Black Woman'

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Just days after a video showed Chicago Police invading her home, and handcuffing her while naked, Anjanette Young stood before the media with a direct message to Mayor Lightfoot: "I believed in you as a Black woman."

Young said she voted for Lightfoot, whose own law department not only tried to stop CBS 2 from telling her story on Monday, but is asking a federal judge to punish her over the video's release.

Young stood naked before heavily armed Chicago Police officers who had just wrongly burst into her home in February, 2019, just a few months before Lightfoot took office. She was handcuffed and pleaded with the officers, telling them they were wrong.

It is the job of police "to serve and protect," Young said on Wednesday. "Well they didn't do that for me. They didn't care about me. So, yes, I would ask for accountability if you ask me what do I want from this."

Young's attorney, Keenan Saulter, blasted the city for dragging their feet over their Freedom of Information Act request to view the police body camera video of the wrong raid.

"You're telling a woman you violated that she doesn't have the agency over the images of her own body." said Saulter, addressing how CPD denied her FOIA request for the body cam video last year.

"I was disappointed yesterday when [mayor Lightfoot] seemed to double down on the attempt to cover up these videos, we're hopeful that does not continue, that's not acceptable."

Lightfoot, in a news conference after Young's remarks, apologized. She also said she was "blindsided" by her law department's decision to file a motion to block CBS from airing the video and seeking sanctions against Young.

"I was completely and totally appalled" by the video. "I could have easily been Ms. Young, and I can put myself in her place."

"All of that is horrifying to me. If you can hear that my voice is hoarse, it is because I have been unsparing in my comments to all involved in this colossal mess."

"Ms. Young's dignity, that she and all of us deserve, was taken from her in those moments, and that is simply inexcusable," the mayor said.

"I am sorry. What you experienced should never have happened, period," she continued.

Lightfoot sidestepped questions Tuesday about why city lawyers tried, in a rare and unprecedented attempt, to block a CBS 2 story from airing disturbing video that shows how police treated an innocent woman during a bad raid.

When Chicago Tribune Reporter Gregory Pratt asked Lightfoot at a news conference Tuesday why her administration went to court to kill the story, Lightfoot evaded answering the question directly.

"That raid actually took place in February of [2019], even before the first of two elections was decided, so that was not something that happened on my watch," said Lightfoot, referring to her successful mayoral primary (five days after the raid) and runoff election on April 2.

However, Lightfoot was in office when CPD denied requests for the video by Young and CBS 2.

Instead of addressing the city's unsuccessful attempts to block CBS 2 from airing the footage, she pointed to changes the police department made to its search warrant policy in January 2020, including mandatory pre-checks and two supervisors required to be on the raid teams. The changes came after nearly two years of CBS 2's extensive reporting on CPD wrong raids.

But CBS 2's reporting found the police department has failed to take sufficient measures to stop officers from raiding the wrong homes and hold them accountable when they do. CBS 2 documented two wrong raids that happened even after the police department changed its policy. Like in Young's case, officers acted on bad tips without checking to see if the addresses they were given were correct.

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