50 days after being shot at Highland Park parade, 8-year-old Cooper Roberts is off IVs, feeding tubes

Cooper Roberts, 8, making progress on recovery after being shot in Highland Park

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Cooper Roberts, the 8-year-old boy who was shot and wounded during the Highland Park parade massacre, has now had all his IV tubes removed.

Cooper's family said this week, his IV and peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) lines were removed – as he no longer requires intravenous pain medication and antibiotics. He is also off his intravenous feeding tube – and can now eat foods he has been craving for some time such as Lay's dill pickle chips. Cheetos, Chick-Fil-A, McDonald's, and Xtra Cheddar Flavor-Blasted Goldfish crackers.

Cooper Roberts Roberts Family

"We are all so happy to see him eat – and will be working to get some fruits and vegetables back in the rotation!" Cooper's family said.

Cooper's family said the removal of the tubes has been a major mood-booster – especially being able to eat some of his favorite foods and to begin maneuvering his wheelchair more easily without the tubes getting in the way and causing him pain. Video shows him racing down a hallway at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in his wheelchair with his physical therapists.

Cooper Roberts' wheelchair race at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Cooper is not able to see much of his twin brother, Luke, who was injured by shrapnel in the July 4th parade shooting. COVID protocols at the AbilityLab limit their visits to a couple of hours a week. But their powerful time together has been captured in photos.

Luke and Cooper Roberts Roberts Family

Cooper also had a special visit on Tuesday form former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Ryan Shazier – who suffered a spinal cord injury on the field in 2017 and has been working hard to overcome the injury. Shazier walked across the stage to announce the Steelers' first-round pick in 2018 after months of rehab.

the Roberts family with Ryan Shazier at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Roberts Family

"Ryan was transparent, authentic, genuine and gracious in sharing insights with us about his path to recovery," the Cooper family wrote. "We are so grateful for Ryan's motivational words and great kindness in spending time with Cooper and Luke."

Shazier also works to give those with spinal cord injuries and their caregivers the support, resources, and funding they need to lead independent and fulfilling lives through the The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation.

In the parade massacre, Cooper was shot in the back and the bullet exited through his chest. The bullet "did significant damage throughout his body, including to his aorta, liver, esophagus, and spinal cord," his mother, Keely Roberts, wrote in late July.

Ms. Roberts was also shot. She said she suffered bullet wounds to two parts of her leg, and has already had multiple surgical procedures on her foot. The injuries require ongoing orthopedic treatment, she said.

Cooper's brother, Luke, suffered only minor physical injuries – but the emotional trauma has been devastating on its own, Roberts wrote.

As to Cooper's long-term prognosis, the family said it remains unknown.

"Even 50 days past his injury, the doctors don't know what he may get back and what limitations we will live with for his lifetime," his family wrote. "We do know that we are infinitely grateful for his survival, and for the many kindnesses we continue to receive, including from all who are working to help Cooper and others impacted heal from this nightmare. Thank you to all who have sent well-wishes, prayers, gifts and donations."

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