Pretty Much Everyone Agrees Tom Brady Will Destroy The Browns When He Returns Week 5

By Matt Dolloff, CBS Boston

BOSTON (CBS) -- Although the insufferable, mind-numbingly awful story that is DeflateGate has ostensibly reached its end, it now means that Patriots quarterback Tom Brady will have to accept the NFL's punishment and sit out four games.

It means that fans outside of New England now have their undisputed ammunition against him in their inane "cheater" arguments. It means the NFL owners willingly (and probably with glee) tarnished the legacy of perhaps the greatest player, leader, and champion to ever grace their fields. I hope they feel good about themselves after corroding the credibility of their own product like they have for the past 18 months.

But one thing that just about everyone can agree on is that when Brady makes his return, which is expected in Week 5 against the lowly Cleveland Browns, that he is going to unleash hell like never seen before.

SEE ALSO: What You Need To Know About Tom Brady's 4-Game Suspenion

Patriots fans predicted a bloodbath for months leading up to the Patriots' Week 6 contest last year against the Indianapolis Colts, who were a catalyst for this entire mess. But those predictions revealed themselves as overconfidence when the Patriots beat the Colts by only seven. Still, the Colts were a talented team with a good quarterback in their own right and something to prove in the wake of several blowouts at the hands of the Patriots.

The Browns? No shot. Zero chance they do not get obliterated if and when Brady makes his return against them.

Fans across the country on Twitter offered their immediate, visceral reactions to the anticlimactic end to the agonizing DeflateGate "saga," and many of them focused on how bad they felt for the Browns. In honor of No. 12, here are my 12 favorite reactions.

It really, really hurts in New England today. It hurts to see the region's greatest champion of the 21st century give up his fight, accept the league's draconian punishment, and witness millions of fans across the country dance on his grave while being blissfully ignorant of the fact that Roger Goodell could do the same thing to their own players. But at least DeflateGate is finally over and done-with, and Brady can make up for the lost yards and touchdowns when he absolutely torches the Browns.

Matt Dolloff is a writer for His opinions do not necessarily reflect that of CBS or 98.5 The Sports Hub. Have a news tip or comment for Matt? Follow him on Twitter @mattdolloff and email him at

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