Cowboys come to the rescue, wrangling loose bull in Pelham, New Hampshire

Cowboys capture bull that was on loose in NH for 3 days

PELHAM, NH - It looked like a scene out of a movie: a runaway bull, cowboys, and a busy road in Pelham, New Hampshire. Witnesses couldn't believe their eyes. 

"You see the guy with the lasso and everything. He's just going, beard in the wind, the whole nine. It was nuts," said Kosta Kalamaras, Pelham House of Pizza owner. 

"The bull ran right through the lot right between those two trucks there and some horses came chasing him? Four horses, pretty interesting you don't see that too much," said Corin LaLiberty, Metropolis Auto Sales General Manager. 

Corporal Brian Kelly of the Pelham Police Department was on scene during the action. 

"I think we were all just stunned. I've worked here in town for 15 years. I've never seen anything like it," said Kelly.

The bull escaped from Tabis Farm in Dracut on Sunday afternoon. 

"He jumped over there from the other fence to this one and then off to the woods," said farm owner Francis Ngigi. He told WBZ-TV the bull is named Freddie, about two-years-old, and weighs roughly 1,300 lbs. His immediate concern was the public's safety and in addition to the police department, he called a group of cowboys in New York to assist with capturing the animal. 

"That's why I took the step of getting the cowboys here as quickly as possible. I didn't want anyone to get hurt," said Ngigi.

"He was on the loose for three days. We had some sightings, and he would take off back into the woods and we'd lose him," said Kelly.

Finally on Wednesday between 4-5pm, the bull was captured on Route 38, unharmed. 

"I would just thank God and I thank everyone in the community and the police department for their overwhelming support," said Ngigi. 

Given Freddie the bull's ability to hop the fence, which is roughly 5 feet tall, Francis said he didn't feel comfortable keeping him at the Dracut farm and sent him to a farm in upstate New York.

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