Pedro Martinez says next Red Sox general manager needs to understand Boston fans

Pedro Martinez on what he wants in next Red Sox general manager

BOSTON -- After firing Chaim Bloom and shuffling the front office a few weeks ago, the Boston Red Sox are looking for a new general manager. That search will not end with Red Sox Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez taking over the franchise's baseball operations department.

Martinez knows plenty about baseball and the Red Sox, from his seven dominant seasons on the mound to his role as a special assistant to Boston GMs since 2013. It's in that role that Martinez has helped develop some of Boston's young pitchers over the years, and he's always been there to provide his perspective whenever it was needed.

Pedro is happy where he is, and though he doesn't want the open general manager position, he told WBZ-TV's Dan Roche what he'd like to see out of Boston's next GM.

"It takes a lot of work to be a GM. I have some sort of training to probably do that, I have the experience on the field without a doubt. I have the eye and feel for the game, and the feel for the team and the feel for the city, which is a lot of pieces that someone that comes into Boston needs to have," Martinez told Roche. "They need to have a feel for pitching, a feel for baseball. A feel for the players in regular positions and a feel for the coaching staff."

Martinez said the most important part of the job, however, is to understand Boston and Red Sox fans.

"There are a lot of little pieces to put together in order for you to understand what you need to do in Boston. It's not a place where you can just go about your business in baseball. You have to understand the fanbase and the demands the fanbase is going to have," he said. "How Boston responds to effort and everything you do around here. The uniqueness of Boston, which is one of the most educated city in the U.S. They read. They hear. They search. They do everything and they're very demanding, they're loyal, and they're passionate. You have to understand all of that before you get your feet wet in Boston.

"If you're not aware of all those things, you will never be comfortable in Boston, because you won't know what to give Boston," he said. "They are going to love you and embrace you, but you need to know what Boston demands of you in all aspects."

Pedro knows from his time in a Red Sox uniform that there is no faking it with Boston fans. 

"You need to have a conduct that applies to Boston. You need to be proud to say, 'I am a Celtic,' 'I am a Bruin,' 'I am a Patriot,' 'I am Red Sox,' '[I am a Revolution],' 'I am an Eagle, Boston College.' You need to have pride when you come to Boston, like you are embracing Boston and giving max effort," said the 2004 World Series champ. "If not, then you are not probably well-suited for Boston. If you don't feel like Boston feels, then there is no connection."

Martinez said he is always willing to share his thoughts with the front office, but he is also respectful to those above him. 

"When they need me and call for me, I'll be there. Especially when it comes to making anything better for Boston," he said. "I think I could be an ambassador for all of Boston."

While he always has baseball on his mind, it's not where Pedro's focus is at the moment. He and his wife, Carolina, were in Boston last week as part of a media tour for the Pedro Martinez Foundation's seventh annual gala, which will be held at Boston Park Plaza on Nov. 10. The foundation has been raising money for children in need, and is building a state-of-the-art charter school in the Dominican Republic. 

Building a school in his native Dominican Republic has been a lifelong dream for Martinez, and it's about halfway finished. His foundation will continue to raise funds for the school and children in the Dominican, and Martinez couldn't be happier that his dream is coming true.

"We put a lot into doing something special. We were kind of greedy, but I think the community demands that," said Martinez. "For me, as an athlete, I want to supply the area and the people with something I could only dream of, something I never had."

Martinez said it has been a lot of work to get to this point, but he's happy that he'll be able to show everyone what their donations have contributed to at this year's gala.

"It brings a lot of joy, a lot of satisfaction to know it was worth the wait, the frustrations, the hard work. To finally see it develop is half of my dream in life," said Martinez. "To see part of my dream finally developing, I'm excited and looking forward to that moment when I finally open that curtain and see what has been done."

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