Patriots' Robert Kraft urges, "Don't bring hate to the protests," in new TV ad

New ad by Robert Kraft's foundation urges protesters to protest without hate

BOSTON - Robert Kraft is sending a message asking protesters not to give into hate while they protest against the Hamas-Israel War.

The television ad, "Don't Bring Hate to the Protests," created by Robert Kraft and his Foundation to Combat Antisemitism broadcast during Tuesday's NBA playoff game between the Boston Celtics and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

The ad encourages peaceful protests and shows images of hate from recent protests and urges protesters to avoid antisemitism while protesting. In one part, the ad urges protesters, "Scream until you're red in the face. But don't scream at the Jewish kid walking to class. Don't bring hate to the protest."

Many Boston area campuses, including Emerson College, Northeastern University, Boston University, Tufts University and MIT, saw encampments pop up in response to protests at Columbia University. Protesters are demanding that the universities divest from Israel.

However, many Jewish students on college campuses have said that the pro-Palestinian protests are also antisemitic and that they feel afraid on campus now. Some students have even moved to hotels to avoid the campus protests.

Kraft issued a statement in April, which stated he will no longer donate to his alma mater, Columbia University, because of the protests.

"I am deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country," Kraft said. "I am no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff and I am not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken," Kraft said.  

The ad is part of a larger campaign by Kraft and the Foundation in response to recent college campuses. The campaign also includes a full-page letter that ran in national newspapers.

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