Fan stands by 'Boston Celtics 2023 World Champions' tattoo

Some Celtics fans still optimistic ahead of Game 4 against Heat

BOSTON - It was clear Tuesday; dejected Celtics fans needed a lift heading into Game 4 in Miami. UMass student Grant Beebe was there for them. "We've only played three games. I'm optimistic because we've still got a seven game series," he said.

Beebe is all-in for his team. Back in the fall, his friends pitched in to pay for a new tattoo that required some courage. In bold letters on his thigh, "Boston Celtics 2023 World Champions". He has no regrets for his commitment to optimism. "I'm not going to be like shameful of it or embarrassed that I got it. I mean, I got it knowing it was a risk. If anything, it could just be a metaphor for taking risks," he said.

Grant Beebe's Boston Celtics 2023 World Champions tattoo  CBS Boston

Another confident Celtics fan is Danny Rose. "It's a new day, new game, anything can happen," said Rose.

We first met this stuffed basketball hat wearing fan during last year's finals. With that blood curdling screech, a star was born. "Everyone was recognizing me," Rose said. "People were jumping out of cars to take pictures with me."

Hours before Tuesday's do-or-die game, some fans sounded like they had already given up. "I think fans are very reactionary here. If you play poorly, they're not going to get up on their feet," said sports radio show host Scott Zolak. On the Sports Hub, the Celtics were not a big topic. 

"Well, we're not going to have much left," said co-host Marc Bertrand. "Celtics season coming to a close," he said before moving on to a discussion about the Red Sox and even names for pets.

Boston Celtics fan Danny Rose CBS Boston

Celtics players are trying to block out the negative talk. "I deleted Twitter," said Jayson Tatum.

We hope he didn't delete the shots of Grant Beebe's tattoo. "If anybody's going to do it, it's going to be a team from Boston," said Beebe. "And then if we don't make it all the way this year and the tattoo doesn't come true, I honestly just think it makes the tattoo a little bit funnier."

He does have a back-up plan to extend the life of his tattoo. He says the three can easily be turned into an eight for the 2028 World Champions. That would allow for five more years to make the tattoo relevant. 

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