Keller @ Large: Stop The Controversy Over Pizza Ratings

BOSTON (CBS) - Everybody loves pizza, right? But this simple, beloved meal turns out not to be quite so simple after all. There are multiple types of pizza, among them the classic thin-crust Neapolitan, its New York style offshoot, St. Louis style with a cracker-style crust, and perhaps the most controversial pizza of all, Chicago deep dish, which is more like a pizza cake.

Regina Pizzeria in the North End. (WBZ-TV)

But what really gets people going when they talk pizza is the debate over which is best, which has been reignited by a TripAdvisor survey that named Regina Pizzeria of Boston number one in the nation. Regina Pizza is delicious, but it's hard to see a clear difference with the runners up, Bleecker Street in New York, The Modern in New Haven, Home Slice of Austin, Texas, and a place called Moose's Tooth in Alaska.

Alaska. Who knew?

Even though a Boston pizzeria won top honors in the TripAdvisor rankings, New York was named the number one pizza city, with Chicago second and Boston landing in seventh, beaten out by the likes of Las Vegas and Orlando.

Orlando? Really? That seems like a sort of Mickey Mouse choice.

Anyway you slice it, I think conflict and controversy over pizza ratings are uncalled for. There is terrific pizza being made in millions of kitchens all over the world, anywhere there's dough for bread and fresh ingredients to put on it. And my personal favorite? The irregular, ad-libbed pizzas my wife and I cook at home with dough balls from the market and leftovers from the fridge.

I would invite you all to come try some, but my kitchen isn't that big, and Buddy the Lab might get overexcited. Make that definitely would.

Share your pizza comments with me via email at, or use Twitter, @kelleratlarge.

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