Where's Marty? With local cartoonist Mike Ricigliano

Where's Marty? With local cartoonist Mike Ricigliano

Hi Everyone!

Once in a while K2, and I, present what we call  "A local gem" to you. 

By that, we mean someone, or thing, that has a national reputation, or interest, that is right here in the Baltimore area. 

And today our "Gem" was Mike Ricigliano. 

Where's Marty? Learning more about the work of long-time cartoonist Mike Ricigliano

He is a cartoonist who has done work for five different news papers, (like the L.A. TImes and USA Today, The Baltimore News American, The Baltimore Evening Sun, and the Baltimore Sun.) 

For a couple of decades he was a featured cartoonist for the legendary "Cracked Magazine," and currently does the cartoons for the local, and EXCELLENT, sports publication "Press Box." 

For the most part Mike is one of, (to my way of thinking), America's most well known sports editorial cartoonist.

"Ricig" as he is known, like many of us guys "married up!" 

His wife Terri is a patient lady who enjoys living amongst cartoons being worked on and finished, and maybe even finding her coffee table under them. (By the way in the picture the are holding is how a cartoonist see's his family.

I am always in awe of people as talented a Mike. 

And sometimes when I bring that up to those very talented folks, (in any field), they 99% of the time say, "I could not do what you do." 

I guess I don't see it that way. I guess we don't realize our own gifts. But let's get real, this man is good. VERY GOOD. 

And millions have enjoyed his work. 

Watch the videos. It was a pleasant and relaxed sit down with a guy in our own backyard that makes Baltimore proud.

One more thing. 

As K2 and I walked in to his home "Ricig" had a cartoon of ME waiting. 

Remember the old Dan Aykroyd skit on Saturday Night Live, "The Bass-O-Matic?" 

It was a blender for grinding up real fish into a smoothie. He could not resist. 

Give a cartoonist a mile.......LOL!

Tomorrow another "Local Gem." Headed up I-95 for this one. See ya then.

Marty B!

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