Ocean City Braces For Car Enthusiasts, Heavy Traffic At H20i Rally

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- "I'm a car enthusiast myself," said Kevin.

And Carlos said, "I get to meet new people, have fun."

The two were stopped to get gas along Route 50 ahead of driving to the H20i car rally in Ocean City Friday.

Kevin said he goes every year. "I had so much fun last year."

While Kevin and Carlos drove in from other parts of Maryland, Corey Bassett drove from New Jersey. It's his eighth time attending the rally but this year, he said, things are different.

"It's gotten a little crazy because a lot of people go down," Bassett said.

And with more people come more police.

"They'll pull you over and tow your car," he added.

In 2020, the unofficial event led to more than 100 arrests, 345 cars towed and over 3,000 citations.

Ocean City's Mayor Rick Meehan said "laws were broken and local residents and businesses were disrespected."

But this year, officials promise they are better prepared than in years past.

"Hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the state," said Jessica Waters, Communications Director of Ocean City.

The City is declaring a larger Special Event Zone that includes all of Worcester County. The event zone reduces speed limits and increases fines.

"There will be major obstruction to traffic and it will be uncomfortable," added Chief Bozzuro.

Mayor Meehan said police "will be strictly enforcing our laws and ordinances including making arrests for dangerous or exhibition driving and towing vehicles."

But for Bassett and his friends, the possibility of getting pulled over by the police didn't keep them from attending this year's rally.

"Still gotta make the trip," said Bassett.

Chief Bozzuro recommended those who live in Ocean City stay home if they don't need to be on the road or in town.

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