Neighbors Shocked About Teen Who Reportedly Had School Shooting Plot

BALTIMORE COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) -- A teen who was plotting a school shooting in Baltimore County is in custody. Police were investigating him for theft when he opened up about his plans.

Tracey Leong spoke to those who know the boy.

Friends and neighbors of the teen were all shocked to learn he had plans to kill others with a gun and explosives, saying it wasn't the boy they knew.

Read The Charging Documents in Sash Nemphos Case

Plans for a violent high school attack were foiled by police. Sixteen-year-old Sash Nemphos was being questioned for breaking into cars when he revealed his deadly school plot.

"He not only discussed his desire to conduct an act of violence, but he actually had the tools to do it," said Elise Armacost, Baltimore County police.

The high school sophomore told officers he brought a gun to his school, George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology, last week but decided to wait. He also showed police his homemade explosives, saying he wanted to kill people at his own school.

Most of the people who know Nemphos say he just seemed like a regular kid. They would often see him playing in the neighborhood with other children.

"Skateboarding, having a good time. His mom came and picked him up one day," said Julie Johnson. "I was just shocked. I was just floored."

"Either went back to the creek or went and played football with friends nearby," said James Jordan.

Jordan lives down the street from Nemphos in Monkton and says the two were friends who used to hang out.

"I mean, it was kind of a shocker to me because it didn't really seem like him and I just want the best for him," Jordan said.

Nemphos is facing six charges as an adult, including handgun possession. Police say the gun he planned to use was taken from his dad's work.

Nemphos had a bail review Tuesday. He remains held without bail at a juvenile detention facility.

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