Gov. Moore touts economic benefits of Biden's agenda following SOTU address

CBS News Baltimore

BALTIMORE -- Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said following Tuesday's State of the Union address that the state has been reaping the benefits of President Joe Biden's economic agenda.

"Just last week, we hosted President Biden and Secretary Buttigieg in Baltimore to kick off the B&P Tunnel Replacement Program—the tunnel that will now be known as the Frederick Douglass Tunnel," Moore said in a statement. "Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the state will invest $450 million to support this major infrastructure project. Construction of the Frederick Douglass tunnel will generate up to 30,000 jobs in the Baltimore region, including 20,000 construction jobs, and will create sustained investment in the region."

The funding will help to replace the 150-year-old Baltimore and Potomac Tunnel.

Moore attended the State of the Union Address alongside Maryland Sen. Susan Lee (D-16) and Maryland Del. Carl Jackson (D-8). He was the guest of Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD).

"I'd like to thank Senator Cardin for the invitation to attend President Biden's State of the Union address—it was historic both in celebrating the Biden-Harris administration's achievements and in sharing their vision for America's future," Moore said.

Rep. Kweisi Mfume weighs in on SOTU

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) brought Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks as his plus-one.

Ahead of the speech, WJZ spoke with Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.) who said that he wanted to see Congress move toward ending gun violence.

Mfume said he hoped lawmakers would address the weapons that contribute to mass shootings and police abuse because the public is continuously afraid for their safety.

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