Hidden Health Dangers: Uterine fibroids a common tumor among women

Hidden Health Dangers: Uterine fibroids a common tumor among women

BALTIMORE -- July is Fibroid Awareness Month. Fibroids are a condition that's quite common among women but can affect women of color more often.

From heavy menstrual cycles to anxiety attacks, in her early twenties, Eugenia Buie noticed her body was changing.

"There were times I would pass out," she said. "The doctor told me when I have my blood transfusion that the anxiety attacks were attributing to the fact that the fibroids were taking my blood."

A doctor diagnosed her with uterine fibroids

Dr. Stella Blosser, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Kaiser Permanente, says fibroids are the most common tumor in women, and it affects them during their reproductive years.

But the cause is still unknown.

"Some women just get them," Blosser said. "We do know they affect women from all different backgrounds and all different socioeconomic status."

However, 80% of Black women will be diagnosed with fibroids by the age of 50. It's a 70% chance for white women.

Blosser said symptoms can vary based on the size and location of the fibroids.

The most common symptom related to fibroids is period flows. Heavy menstrual cycles could be a sign of the condition.

Some fibroids can also be so large that they put pressure on a women's bladder and a woman could potentially feel a firm lump in their abdomen.

Treatments are available for fibroids patients, but they are specific to the symptoms a patient is experiencing.

"The treatment options for someone who is young, whose immediate goal is pregnancy, her treatment options might be a little different than someone who is 49 years old and maybe close to menopause, who no longer desires fertility."

Now, at 43 years old, Buie makes it her life mission to spread awareness and educate people about fibroids.

"The liberty that I have to move, I feel like I got my life back," Buie said.

Dr. Blosser said women should be their own advocates by setting up an appointment and talking about their symptoms to a doctor.

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