Baltimore City School Board approves $6 million to install weapons detection systems

Baltimore City schools approves $5.4 million for weapons detection systems

BALTIMORE -- The Baltimore City School Board approved $6 million to install weapons detection systems, hoping to curb the violence in the classrooms.

City leaders say the number of guns brought inside school walls is out of control. Parents say they want to know when they drop their kids off at school, they are safe and they think these new metal detector systems will bring them peace of mind.

Baltimore city schools are cracking down on guns in the classroom.

"It's important we have safer schools for our kids," said a Baltimore resident.

On Tuesday, the City Board of School Commissioners approved $5.4 million to install new weapon detection systems at 26 high schools.

The new systems, which include two scanners, are expected to work ten times faster than a typical metal detector in a touchless manner.

School officials say the system can also distinguish everyday metal items from weapons and will significantly reduce the number of times students are flagged and searched, bringing parents some peace of mind.

"I have a daughter. So when she goes to school, I don't want to have to worry about it," Tamaya Walker from Baltimore said.

End of year data showed only 56% of students felt safe in schools.

"Last year we confiscated 15 guns in high schools. This year we've already collected 14," Councilmember Robert Stokes said.

Stokes says these detectors are a major step in the right direction.

"We have to do things to deter weapons in school, and I think this is a good start," Stokes said.

Last year, the school district spent about $230,000 for a six-month pilot program of a weapon system at six high schools, including Carver, Frederick Douglass, and Mervo, where Jeremiah Brogden was shot and killed outside the school two years ago.

Parents say they hope this new technology will make school buildings a safe space.

"You go to school to learn not to be afraid and scared to go to school. We got kids scared to go to school because of the guns!" Gary Stewart of Baltimore said.

This technology will only be installed at high schools in Baltimore City, although there is no set date as to when students can expect to see the new system in place.

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