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O.J. Special: Some Things Are Just Wrong

Weekly commentary by CBS Evening News chief Washington correspondent and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer.

I thought the Congressional Page scandal would surely win the most disgusting story of the year prize — but who knew O.J. Simpson would write a how-to manual describing the way he would have killed his wife, had he chosen to commit the crime.

Or that he would get two prime-time hours on Fox television to promote it?

In our country the law says a citizen who is found not guilty can't be tried again for the same crime.

So along came a publisher named Judith Regan who found a way to funnel millions of dollars to O.J. to write this trash.

And get this: she says one reason she did it was because she was once an abused wife. I'm just guessing here, but I'll bet another reason is she gets a cut of the profits.

She will personally conduct the two one-hour interviews that will air later this month on Fox Television, which — like Ms. Regan's company — is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

I've never been one to criticize competitors — it always sounds cheesy — but may I congratulate the Fox affiliate station owners and managers who have decided NOT to broadcast this dreadful thing being sent out by their network.

Someone — I think it was William F. Buckley — once said, "Something doesn't have to be against the law to be wrong."

This one is more than wrong, it is just awful.

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By Bob Schieffer

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