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Many Sandy victims brace for nor'easter, leave coastal areas

(CBS News) Millions of people hard-hit by superstorm Sandy are facing another powerful storm, a nor'easter that's moving up the East Coast.

Some coastal areas have been told to evacuate again. That's the case in Brick, N.J., an area along the Jersey Shore that is basically deserted now. Brick Township has more waterfront property than any town in New Jersey. The fear is that already high water could once again swamp these areas when the nor'easter hits the shore.

Pictures: Staten Island damageSandy-weary residents brace for new storm

Mayor Stephen Acropolis issued a mandatory evacuation for low-lying neighborhoods near the shore. He told CBS News, "If you don't realize what Mother Nature can do now, and realize you should not be in some of those low lying areas, I don't think you will ever realize it."

Greg Matzat does. He was rushing to put away what he could, while his wife Rose was still cleaning up after superstorm Sandy

On the barrier islands, school buses were picking up the few remaining holdouts, and front loaders were working overtime in many neighborhoods. One of the big concerns is all the debris. They have been racing the clock to try to get the garbage out of the area so when strong winds come, pieces of debris don't turn into missiles.

While the coming nor'easter will not be a Sandy-style slammer, it could unravel much of the work that's been done to restore power to the region.

On New York's Staten Island and Long Island, thousands are still without electricity. They could get 60 mph winds and flash flooding.

One resident asked about the storm said she's leaving. "We're outta here," she said. "We are not playing any games."

Back in Brick Township, the Dilorenzo family rode out Sandy, but is not sticking around this time. Their house is no longer a home anyway. "We have nothing," Dana Dilorenzo said. "So at this point, if we get water damage, it's the old damage, but I guess we're more concerned about our mental state."

The severe weather is expected to begin Wednesday afternoon and last through the night. Rain, high winds and even potential snow are anticipated in what's expected to be a moderate nor'easter. But the question is how much damage it will do now that the sand dunes, sea walls and beaches that protect these areas are destroyed.

For Ben Tracy's full report, watch the video above.

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