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​"Black Lives Matter" seeks stake in 2016 presidential race

Several presidential candidates have found themselves interrupted by activists for the Black Lives Matter movement
How "Black Lives Matter" is impacting the 2016 campaign 02:18

WASHINGTON -- Supporters of the "Black Lives Matter" movement don't discriminate. They've disrupted rallies for Democrats and Republicans alike.

One activist grilled Hillary Clinton about her past support for anti-crime laws that led to mass incarcerations of black men.

The term "black lives matter" became a touchstone after a series of killings of unarmed black men by police. Now, "Black Lives Matter" is a national organization with a list of demands that include a "decrease in law-enforcement spending" and "a re-investment...into the black communities most devastated by poverty."

Aaron Goggans CBS News

"It's really a beautifully diverse movement," said labor organizer Aaron Goggans, a founding member of the DC chapter.

He says disruption is needed to combat systems that are oppressing black people in different ways.

"Disruption is one useful tactic in order to get the word out there and get people to start looking for alternatives," said Goggans.

The tactic has had an impact. The day after activists interrupted a speech by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, he posted a racial justice platform on his website.

In New Hampshire, Clinton challenged the activists to get more specific about the policies they want enacted.

Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Bernie Sanders rally 01:24

"You can keep the movement going, which you have started, and through it you may actually change some hearts," Clinton said, "but if that's all that happens, we'll be back here in ten years having the same conversation."

Some civil rights leaders have argued against disrupting Democratic candidates who have traditionally been allies, but activists we spoke to say they don't feel either side has done enough for the black community or supported the kind of wholesale change they're looking for.

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