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Strangest new home gadgets

(MoneyWatch) If you like your eggs in log form, dread washing the windows or find the top of your toaster simply lacks flair, these are the new home gadgets for you.

While plenty of colorful and innovative products debuted this year at the 2013 International Home and Housewares show, there were also plenty of gadgets that would make the average person scratch their head and wonder how anyone might have thought them up.

But even though these gadgets are odd, they aren't all useless. For the right person, some of these strange new home gadgets may be the solution to their biggest nightmares.

Strangest new home gadgets

Think Glink Inc

The Pooch Power System

There have been some patents and products floating around for a vacuum that picks up your dog's droppings, but none so far have been able to get those droppings into a bag. Enter the Pooch Power vacuum, which has both a backyard "shovel" and a mobile model for people that love their dogs, but are squeamish about picking up after them. Frankly, this could make you the envy of every dog walker on the block.

Strangest new home gadgets

Think Glink Inc

The Rolli

For people who want their breakfast on the go and in log form, this gadget offers both. You take a pre-cut wrap, put it in the machine, pour in some eggs and any other ingredients you like, and it cooks up a perfectly formed little breakfast wrap in less than 10 minutes that you can pop out and snack on while you rush out the door.

Strangest new home gadgets

Think Glink Inc

The Winbot

If you have a wall of windows that you simply cannot -- or will not -- wash, this robot is perfect for you. The window-washing robot will scroll up and down your windows, carefully cleaning each panel. The drawback: You must move it from window to window, so if you've got many separate windows, the robot still requires a little manual labor from you.

Strangest new home gadgets

Red Cup Living

Red Cups for every occassion

So you love red plastic cups, but feel the current large and small sizes really limit your beverage options. What about drinking martinis? Or shots? Well, this new line of reusable red cups from Red Cup Living lets you drink your favorite drinks out of your favorite cup. Now you can drink coffee, wine, martinis and margaritas out of this stunning design.

Strangest new home gadgets

Think Glink Inc

Hot Dog Steamer

Just in case you've ever felt that a microwave, stovetop, grill or oven is just not the right way to cook a hot dog, this product will let you steam whole packages of hot dogs at a time.

Strangest new home gadgets

Food Network

Guy Fieri cookware

Guy Fieri spends most of his time on TV eating foods from diners, drive-ins and dives -- not cooking. While he does own several of his own restaurants and is a chef, his reputation is really built on endorsing eateries. So it's a bit hard to figure out why, exactly, you'd want cookware with his name scrawled across it. Especially a knife that looks like it was designed for something other than cooking.

Strangest new home gadgets

Cool Gear


Maybe if you're a big soda drinker and you want to switch to water, but would really miss the experience of holding a cold can, you might find these useful. The best part of these mock-cans, which do keep your drinks cold, is the "Cantrition" label on the side that contains such ingredients as Hydrated, Motivated, Revitalized and Energized.

Strangest new home gadgets

Good Chef

Popcorn Baller

While these popcorn ball shapers from Good Cooks will help you mold popcorn balls or, if you're feeling really daring, Rice Krispie treats, there is an inexpensive alternative: Using your hands.

Strangest new home gadgets

Toaster Top

Toaster Tops

These Toaster Tops are perfect for people who cannot stand an open toaster, and want a little flair in the kitchen. Simply place the cover on top of your toaster, and you have a decoration that also keeps the inside of your toaster clean.

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