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The Rookies

48 Hours tracks new members of law enforcement as they come face-to-face with the real world of law and order. In San Antonio, Texas, three idealistic people take on three demanding jobs; police officer, a prosecutor and a probation officer. Follow them as they wrestle with situations they never anticipated.

Ben Flores is fresh out of the police academy, but is he too nice for the mean streets? If he can't toughen up fast, he could lose his life. With help from his veteran partner, Flores quickly learns that good manners don’t cut it when making rounds in the worst part of town. Find out what happens.

Cory Isaacs is a rookie prosecutor who has never argued a case before. As he deals with prostitutes, burglars and drug addicts, he learns lessons that he didn’t get in law school.

Mimi Mijares gets to work when criminals are released back onto the street. She is a rookie probation officer charged with supervising dangerous criminals. But what is a 56-year-old mother of two doing in a job like this?

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