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Super Bowl senators place their crabby bets

It's six days before Super Bowl XLVII and the trash-talking has begun - not between the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens but among the senators who represent California and Maryland.

Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., laid down a bet on the game with Sens. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Ben Cardin, D-Md. Of course, no money will exchange hands following the outcome; they're each betting local crab feasts and other local delicacies.

Mikulski and Cardin challenged the California senators to a bet, along with a prediction: the Maryland senators said the Ravens would "stomp" the 49ers and that"[w]hile the 49ers may come in red and gold, they'll be seeing nothing but purple when they leave!"

Boxer and Feinstein threw some put-downs toward the Ravens writing in a letter, "We have full confidence that the San Francisco 49ers will strike gold - and the Baltimore Ravens will flutter away in defeat - as we claim our sixth Super Bowl title."

As for the bet, if the Ravens lose, Mikulski and Cardin will cough up Faidley's crab cakes, Berger cookies and Heavy Seas beer. The California senators, if the 49ers lose, will fork over Dungeness crab, Napa Valley wine, sourdough bread and a selection of Northern California cheeses.

"We feel that it is only fitting that crab is on the menu since you are likely to be feeling very crabby after a tough loss by your Ravens," Boxer and Feinstein wrote.

Incidentally, per the oddsmakers, the Maryland senators' are the ones betting against the odds; the line on the game favors the 49ers by 4 as of today.

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