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Starry night sky through fisheye and time-lapse

(CBS News) While I plan to post items in honor of today being the first official day of summer (and previously paid preliminary tribute to the season here), let's pause for a moment to relax and reflect before the weekend. Oh, wow, and I've actually got the perfect accompaniment for doing just that in the form of a starry night sky time-lapse above. (What a crazy coincidence!)

The fascinating fisheye perspective piece (with music by VAAST) is entitled "Los Cielos de America" and was created at the Paranal Observatory in Chile by photographer Stéphane Guisard who writes about the specific visuals seen in the sky within the work:

The Milky Way rises, culminates with the galactic center at zenith and then sets above Paranal Observatory.
Two neighbor galaxies, the large and the small Magellanic clouds, are visible on the top left of the movie.
The zodiacal light is visible on the bottom of the video at the beginning of the movie (sunset) and on the top right at the end of the movie (sunrise).
A wondrous piece that is simply way too perfect for taking a moment's respite from the world before the weekend begins to kick in. And if you'd like to check out more amazing work by photographer Stéphane Guisard, make sure to visit his website by clicking here.
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