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Cyberbullying prevention resources for students and parents

Bullying: Words Can Kill
Bullying: Words Can Kill 43:18

Check out these sites for more information:

Resources for students

Connect Safely

ConnectSafely is for parents, teens, educators, advocates - everyone engaged in and interested in the impact of the social Web.

GLAAD: Amplify Your Voice
No one should be bullied or called names simply for being who they are. Still, millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth are made to feel like they don't fit in every day; some even feel unsafe. You can show your support for LGBT teens by wearing purple for Spirit Day on Oct. 20. Learn more!

It Gets Better Project
Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them.

MTV's A Thin Line
MTV's A THIN LINE" campaign empowers America's youth to identify, respond to, and stop the spread of digital abuse, which includes all forms of digital bullying, dating abuse and discrimination. Do you have digital drama? Take the quiz.

SafeKids is one of the oldest and most enduring sites for Internet safety. Providing information about the dangers of children using the internet. Rules, advice, and tips relating to child security and the web.

STOMP Out Bullying!
STOMP Out Bullying™ -s a national anti-bullying and cyberbullying program for kids and teens is a signature program of Love Our Children USA™ who since 1999, has been the national nonprofit leader and 'Go-To' prevention organization fighting all forms of violence and neglect against children in the U.S. | Live Help Chat Line

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
AFSP is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Resources for Parents

Bully Police
Watch-dog organization advocating for bullied children & reporting on state anti-bullying laws.

Cyberbullying Research Center
The website serves as a clearinghouse of information concerning the ways adolescents use and misuse technology. Here you will find facts, figures, and detailed stories from those who have been directly impacted by online aggression. In addition, the site includes numerous resources to help you prevent and respond to cyberbullying incidents.

CommonSense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. was created in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health to help girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living.

Kindness Above Malice

Kindness Above Malice is dedicated to affirming students that have raised the self esteem of another person, thereby preventing the injury that results from bullying.

Love Our Children USA
Love Our Children USA is the national nonprofit leader and "go-to" prevention organization fighting all forms of violence and neglect against children. We recognize that protecting and nurturing a high self esteem is the key to unlocking the motivating factors behind bullying for both the bully and the victim.

MTV's A Thin Line: Resources for Grownups
MTV's A THIN LINE" campaign empowers America's youth to identify, respond to, and stop the spread of digital abuse, which includes all forms of digital bullying, dating abuse and discrimination. A "THIN LINE" can be used as a talking tool to open up a conversation on digital abuse, test awareness, and help encourage action on the issue at home or in school. We've provided a few tips on how our site can help.

Parent Further
From time to time, all parents need a little help. Sometimes, a piece of solid, encouraging advice can help you have an "a-ha" moment that changes the way you think and act.
Parents and caring adults can play pivotal roles in creating a healthy school and community climate that is free of bullying. provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.

The Bullycide Project
The Bullycide Project is based on the book "Bullycide in America," complied by Brenda High and written by mothers who have lost a child to suicide due to excessive bullying.

Special section | Bullying: Words Can Kill
Resources for schools
What Facebook wants parents to know about its site

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