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Polo ponies: Through the lens of 60 Minutes

Polo Ponies: Through the lens of 60 Minutes 04:36

"It was clear from the beginning that this wasn't going to be an ordinary shoot," Lara Logan said. She and her team were just finishing up the final edit of this week's 60 Minutes story on polo, when we managed to sneak her into the Overtime studio to ask her about the magnificent footage of polo ponies in her piece. Where were the cameras positioned? How did they manage to get those gorgeous slow-motion shots, we wondered.

"Filming polo is a challenge," she told us, "not because the players and the horses aren't spectacular, but because it happens over this vast area, big enough to fit nine football fields." In this Overtime feature, you'll hear how Logan's team of producers and cameramen struggled to capture the grace and power of the polo ponies, the players, and the magnificent action on the field.

If you've been to a polo match or played polo yourself, tell us what you think. Did we capture the feeling you get when you're right next to the action?

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