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Obama's Science Grade, A New Ice Age, And A Hint Of Google

Scientists across the country have heralded the Obama administration's approach to research and development. Already it's a stark contrast to the Bush years. But what exactly will be done for areas like stem cells, global warming, and space exploration?

These are some of the questions that we try to answer in an upcoming story for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. It may be airing tomorrow (Friday) night. We spoke to a number of prominent people from all those fields about their expectations and hopes. We also talked to one woman who may be directly affected by any policy decisions; she puts a human face on all the scientific data and studies.

Also, before cozying up for commercials and football this weekend, I hope you'll tune in to CBS Sunday Morning. It's the 30th anniversary edition of the beloved program (OK, I'm a little biased), and I'm contributed a story about ice. Yes, ice. As in cubes. But not just any old frozen water. For those who enjoy imbibing a good cocktail it can be the unsung hero by adding a touch of class or esthetic. But at too many bars or (Super Bowl) parties the ice ends up melting in such a hurry that it ruins the work of your favorite mixologist. It's also a story about people who carve ice, eat ice (true), and generally believe that ice is now hot. You'll have to watch to find out more -- including the secrets to a bar in Las Vegas that's all made of ice, even the glasses.

Finally, a little teaser -- on Monday night's CBS Evening News with Katie Couric we're planning to have a story about a new Google tool. Can't say more than that right now but I hope you'll join us.

In the meantime, stay connected.

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