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NRA president: Gun control measures "feel-good proposals that won't work"

(CBS News) On Wednesday, President Obama laid out his gun control plan, calling on Congress to pass "specific proposals right away," including the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban and limiting the number of bullets in high-capacity magazines to 10.

The National Rifle Association preempted Obama's announcement, releasing an Internet ad that labels the president "an elitist hypocrite" for his skeptical stance on the efficacy of placing armed guards in schools across the U.S.

"Are the president's kids more important than yours?" the ad -- which mentions the Obama children three times -- asks. "Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their schools?"

Thursday, NRA president David Keene defended the ad, which White House press secretary Jay Carney described as "repugnant and cowardly," "CBS This Morning" Thursday.

"The ad was not about the president's kids. We also had pictures of a number of other people, including David Gregory ... who send their children to schools that have protection and deride the idea that average citizens' children should be protected."

Keene said the NRA believes "most of the proposals that have to do with firearms are 'feel-good' proposals that have been tried in the past and won't work or won't have any real impact."

Instead of tackling firearms legislation, the NRA suggests that the U.S. address the "devastatingly broken mental health care system in our country" and Keene insisted, "we need to provide security because we can never predict how these people are going to act."

Keene refuted the suggestion that the NRA is out of touch with its membership after a recent CBS News/New York Times poll showed that 85 percent of NRA households support background checks on all gun buyers.

"The NRA has been one of the biggest supporters of the so-called NICS system, which provides background checks," Keene said before adding, "the difficulty comes in when you're talking about you and me as next-door neighbors and you buy a shotgun and want to sell one to me. How do you enforce a background check on that?"

Keene did voice support for one of Obama's proposals announced Wednesday, telling the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts, "The NRA has been very supportive on ... adding the potentially violently mentally ill to the database which most states the federal government have up to now, not done. The president says he will do that and that's good."

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