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Make a Wall-Size Whiteboard on the Cheap

whiteboard.jpgWhiteboards are undeniably handy to have on the wall, but they cost a small fortune. Even one that measures just 3x4 feet can run hundreds of dollars. Blogger Chris Metcalf writes about his experience with a dirt-cheap alternative:

The same material that they make most commercial whiteboards out of is available at most big-box lumber stores like Home Depot for less than $15. "Showerboard" is basically cheap plywood with a waterproof white plastic coating on one side. It's the same stuff that they make cheap showers out of--four walls of showerboard plus a cheap plastic base makes a decent stall. It also makes a great whiteboard.
Metcalf spent about $11 on a 4x8 sheet of the stuff (a.k.a. "tileboard") and another $14 for a matching sheet of plywood to use as backing. A tube of Liquid Nails joined the two. Total cost: About $28. Talk about a deal!

Update: Another option is to use a can of Markee Dry-Erase Paint to turn any wall into a whiteboard. It's not quite as cheap as this, but it's definitely a much prettier solution. [via Lifehacker]

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