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Live To Tell: Black Wave

Preview: Black Wave 00:54

In June 2005, the Silverwood family of San Diego, Calif., was living a dream. Jean and John Silverwood and their four children were sailing around the world when suddenly there was a catastrophic accident.

As their boat starts sinking, Jean faces an unthinkable choice: should she save her husband or her children?

Now Jean Silverwood tells her family's story in Live To Tell: "Black Wave," on Saturday, Feb. 28 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

This third and final episode in the Live To Tell series from the producers of 48 Hours Mystery chronicles the extraordinary story of the Silverwood family and their fight for survival as told in their own words.

When the family first sets sail in their sleek 55-foot catamaran they have no idea that the emotional baggage they brought on board will nearly sink them. They struggle to hold the family together as anger, tension and secrets threaten to pull them apart.

And then, almost two years into their journey, suddenly, without warning, their catamaran strikes a hidden reef and they learn what it means to be on the brink of death, and what they truly mean to each other.

As they desperately try to reverse course, a massive wave forces the 2,500-pound mast to fall on John, pinning him to the deck and instantly crushing his leg. While water continues to pound what remains of the boat, John loses blood at a rapid pace, leaving his wife, Jean, to face the decision of her life: to abandon her husband and save her children, or risk all of their lives in an attempt to save him.

It's an almost unbelievable tale of physical and emotional rescue and survival.

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