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Let Customers Schedule Their Own Appointments with Acuity

acuity.jpgIf you're a consultant, financial advisor, nutritionist, or anyone else who routinely meets with clients, you know what a hassle scheduling can be. Wouldn't it be great if your customers could hit a Web site, check your availability, and schedule their own appointments -- no receptionist required? That's the idea behind Acuity, an online appointment-scheduling service.

Here's how it works: You set up a custom scheduling site that gets its own URL or gets embedded in your existing site. (In addition to scheduling, the site offers e-commerce features so you can sell products, gift certificates, and the like.) The client visits the site, views your calendar, and chooses an available time slot. Acuity will send you instant notifications of new appointments and reminders of upcoming ones. It even integrates with the iPhone so you can check your calendar on the run.

If you want to take Acuity for a spin, you can get a free account (though it lacks many of the signature features, like customization and reminders). A Professional account runs $10 monthly for one person, location, and schedule; the $18/month Premium account offers unlimited staff, locations, and schedules.

I don't meet with clients, but I have to admit I love the idea behind Acuity. The site looks a little beta for my tastes, but still seems like a killer solution for managing clients -- and making them happy. [via AppScout]

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