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Jajah Brings VoIP to Twitter for Some Reason

I've often believed that just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should do a thing. Case in point: VoIP service Jajah recently added call capabilities to Twitter.

I'll let this demo video explain the mechanics of Jajah @Call, then explain why I think the idea is pointless and stupid.

Impressively, Jajah @Call works anywhere you use Twitter, whether it's the site itself, your cell phone, or a client like TweetDeck.

But I'm trying hard to envision a situation in which I'd turn to Twitter just to call someone. I mean, let's say I get this tweet from Dave: "Just had coffee with Halle Berry." Seeing as Dave's been dreaming of that since the day Halle Berry was invented, I'd probably want to chat with him about it.

Seems to me I'd probably pick up the phone and, you know, call him, as opposed to, say, firing up my Twitter client, tapping out the necessary syntax, waiting for Jajah to ring my phone, and on and on. (All this assumes, of course, that Dave is even registered with Jajah, which is the only way they'd have his number...)

Look, I like Jajah. It's a slick way to save on calls, especially international calls. But this smacks of reinventing the wheel so you can drive to the place where they sell wheels.

What do you think? Am I being too hard on this newfangled Twitter tool? Is it something you could see yourself using? Share your thoughts in the comments. [via AppScout]

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