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Help Wanted: Male Prostitutes at Brothel

Tired of reports that America is losing jobs and failing to create new ones? Well, one Nevada businesswoman is doing something about it: hiring male prostitutes to work at her brothel.

Bobbi Davis, owner of the Shady Lady Ranch, located near Death Valley, Calif., received the local government's approval to hire men willing to become Nevada's first legal male sex workers, reports the Los Angeles Times Wednesday.

On her Web site, Davis says she is looking for "a few good men" and told the local officials in a letter: "I personally feel, as do the many other women who have made contact with me since I started this, that this is a service whose time has come."

Davis, and her husband, Jim, merely want to give their small business a kickstart, the newspaper reports.

George Flint, a longtime lobbyist for the Nevada Brothel Assn., told the newspaper that allowing male prostitutes could be the industry's Pearl Harbor. However, Flint said that brothels offering gay sex - which is a choice a prostitute is free to make - could upset lawmakers.

"This is the first time in the history of the world . . . that men have been licensed to sell sex," an excited Flint said. "It's never been done!"

Davis addressed the controversy over allowing gay sex in a statement, saying, "It seems the biggest hoopla is a great fear in some people's minds that some kind of homosexual activity might go on.

"Why panic I don't understand . . . it's not my intent to encourage or promote or to turn my business into a 'gay property.' "

Click here to read the full Los Angeles Times article

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