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Find a Replacement for Google Notebook

google-notebook-actual.jpgHere's some surprising news: Google is stopping development on Google Notebook. If you've been using the service to cull, keep, and organize information from the Web, it's time to consider another solution.

Relax, you've got time: While Google will close the door on new users starting next week, existing users can continue to access their data for the forseeable future. But because the Google Notebook browser extension is getting shuttered as well, you really should start planning a migration.

Digital Inspiration lists four alternatives to Google Notebook and ways you can move your clips to them. Unfortunately, they all involve some manual effort on your part, so you'll need to block out some time.

I know, right? Gotta say I'm a little disappointed in Google, though I guess it's their prerogative -- and it's not like they were charging for the service. Anyway, while you're looking for a new home for your notes, consider Microsoft's Thumbtack service, which Dave wrote about the other day. Personally, I'm eyeballing Evernote. You may also want to check out Zoho Notebook.

Got a better solution? Hit the Comments and prove it.

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